


之后对着干抹布在距离约15厘米的地方轻轻喷一下,如此再来擦拭商业家具,便能起到很好的清洁保养效果。 此外,抹布使用完后,切记要洗净晾干。至于带有布料材质的展示柜,如布艺沙发,休闲靠垫,则可以使用清洁地毯的清洁保养剂。使用时,先用吸尘器将灰尘吸除,再将地毯清洁剂少量喷在湿布上擦拭即可。

When cleaning and maintaining the cultural relics exhibition cabinets, it is necessary to determine whether the cloth used is clean. When cleaning or dust off, be sure to turn over or replace a clean rag.
Do not reuse the soiled side, which will only rub the dirt repeatedly on the surface of the commercial furniture. Instead, it will damage the bright surface of the display cabinet. Be sure to choose the nursing agent to maintain the original brightness of the display cabinet. At present, there are two kinds of cultural relics exhibition cabinets: the cultural relics exhibition cabinet wax and the cleaning and maintenance agent.
If you can use maintenance products that are both clean and caring, you can save a lot of valuable time. It is best to shake the wax and clean and conserved before using it, and then hold the spray can directly at a 45-degree angle so that the liquid components in the tank can be completely released without losing pressure.
Then gently spray the dry rag at a distance of about 15 cm. Then wipe the commercial furniture and you can have a good cleaning and maintenance effect. In addition, after using the cloth, remember to wash and dry. As for display cabinets with cloth materials, such as cloth art sofas and leisure cushions, you can use cleaning maintenance agents to clean carpets. When using, vacuum the dust first, and then spray a small amount of carpet cleaner on the wet cloth to wipe it.