


With the great wave of domestic museum construction, the construction speed of many foreign museums is also increasing dramatically. Then how should we make use of the environment to expand our customers in foreign trade? Today, director zhang of liankang exhibition case shares with you. 
1. Actively participate in exhibitions of museum display cabinet industry. Related exhibitions at home and abroad have increased in recent years. In addition to domestic museum customers looking for suppliers, international customers are also very active. At this time, if we make good use of the trade exhibition channels, we can get the latest and best quality foreign customers and orders. In addition, many of them are foreign architectural decoration companies besides the buyers of museum display cases. If I put their good channel will be a very good channel for manufacturers to develop foreign trade market.
2. Make good use of the Internet. Now a lot of display cabinet manufacturers are using the Internet by the line of publicity. Liankang exhibition cabinet also actively embraced the Internet at the beginning of its establishment, and we also obtained good results and customers from online channels. So the foreign trade market is the same if we can make good use of foreign trade platform, such as Google, facebook and other well-known foreign Internet platforms, I believe that while doing a good job in brand promotion for enterprises, we will also gain a large number of foreign trade customers.
3. Establish good communication relations with foreign museum management associations. Museum management in foreign countries, like in China, has a trusted management department, usually a government function department or a trade association. If we establish a good relationship with the management department of the museum, we believe it will be of great help to our business expansion
In addition to the above 3 points, I believe that many friends in the industry have better ideas and ways, welcome to exchange more. The development of museum display cabinet industry needs to expand more channels and businesses. Only through the development and exploration of multiple channels can we better summarize more ways to develop foreign trade channels of customers and orders. With the great wave of domestic museum construction, the construction speed of many foreign museums is also increasing dramatically. Then how should we make use of the environment to expand our customers in foreign trade? Today, director zhang of liankang exhibition case shares with you.